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不,这不是要求学生或家庭必须是基督徒才能参加.  虽然所有教师和员工都是基督徒,但我们欢迎和尊重不同信仰的学生. We have additional information available under Faith Position 在基督教信仰融入课堂的情况下,每个层次的期望是什么.  


FCS是一个非营利组织,也是三城地区唯一的私立高中. 我们与家庭合作,为每天的孩子提供非凡的教育和与耶稣的真正相遇, all within a community of compassion. Learn more about what makes FCS different. 

Learn More

是的,我们的许多毕业生都有资格获得学术奖学金. Learn about the accomplishments of our most recent graduating class

No, parents are not required to volunteer.

想要在孩子的班级或实地考察中做志愿者的家长必须先完成志愿者流程. Learn more about volunteering 在FCS.

FCS利用FACTS家庭门户作为家长跟踪孩子在课堂和作业中的表现的工具. 教师通过家庭门户不断更新和沟通,使家长和学生都受益. 当注册完成时,将设置一个家庭门户帐户.

No. FCS is a closed campus, so if you would like to come into the classroom, 您需要完成志愿者申请流程并获得批准. 为了学生的安全和健康,志愿者将不会进入校园的特定区域.

Review more information on becoming a parent volunteer.

FCS was founded in 1968. In fall 2018, we celebrated our 50th anniversary. 

Learn more about the history of FCS.


我们有很多学生的第一语言不是英语. 对于处于早期教育年龄段的孩子来说,语言障碍不是问题. Scientifically, 研究表明,幼儿的大脑就像一块海绵,能够相当快地接受这种学习. 我们的老师也有能力帮助学生理解英语并培养他们的沟通技巧.

No, extended care is included in tuition for early education. Morning extended care hours are available from 7:00-8:00 AM; afternoon extended care is available from 5:00-6:30 PM. 

Learn more about what is offered in early education tuition.

是的,作为学费的一部分,午餐包括在每个早教全日制课程中. Also included are morning and afternoon snacks.

不,但是你的孩子可以从家里带午餐,这样他们就可以和同学一起吃了. You can also order lunch through our school lunch provider. 

是的,FCS为家庭提供了几种降低学费的方法. 访问 学费 & 费用 to learn more. 

Toddler Department:  

Teacher:Student – 2.5:12

 Young Preschool Department: 

Teacher:Student – 2.5:18

Preschool & Jr. Kindergarten Department: 

Teacher:Student – 2.5:24

Transitional Kindergarten Department: 

Teacher:Student – 2:24

A 0.老师是浮动老师,他半天都在课堂上.



有一些提前发布和半天,所以请查看 FCS calendar for a schedule or contact the relevant campus office to confirm.

从幼儿园过渡到五年级,每间教室限24名学生, although the average size tends to be around 20. K-5的每个年级通常有两个教室. 每个年级的学生人数各不相同,因此有些教室会与平均水平有所不同.


是的, we have different options for extended care in for K-5. 节目早在早上7点开始,晚在下午6点半结束.

Learn more about FCS Extended Care.

是的,我们为从幼儿园过渡到五年级的学生提供热午餐. 也欢迎家人从家里自带午餐和零食. 请 contact your applicable campus office for food guidelines. 

是的,我们整个学年都和不同的供应商合作. 选项包括国际象棋、艺术、辩论、机器人、音乐、公开演讲、健身等等. 联系 the Admissions Office for the most up-to-date afterschool schedule.


The first period for secondary school begins at 8:00 AM, with zero-period classes available at 7:00 AM. 按照正常的钟声时间表,第八节课在下午2点50分开始. 

有一些提前发布和半天,所以请查看 FCS calendar for a schedule or contact the relevant campus office to confirm.

Junior high students have the option to join the FCS Extended Care program in the afternoons until 6:30 PM.

Class sizes vary depending on the subject being taught. For junior high (grades 6-8), the average class size is around 19 students, while high school classes average 16. Learn more about the campus profiles for secondary education.

是的, we offer a hot lunch program for grades 6-12. 也欢迎家人从家里自带午餐和零食. 请 contact your applicable campus office for food guidelines.

Our Academic & 学院咨询办公室为学生提供各种支持和机会. 学生和家庭可以在全年与他们的辅导员安排单独的会面时间.

Learn more about Academic & College Counseling 在FCS.

访问 our Secondary campus 关于毕业先决条件和要求的最新信息页面. 家庭可以与他们的辅导员会面,以更详细地介绍这些信息,具体到他们的学生. 


是的, 我们的国际课程从幼儿园到高中都有, with homestay options for grades 6-12.

Learn more our program for international students.

No, international students do not need to submit TOEFL, SLEP, or IELTS scores — or any other English-language test score. 申请过程评估学生的英语技能和, once the student is enrolled, 他或她被安排在适当的英语语言发展(ELD)级别. 

Learn more about the FCS program for international students

是的,FCS为6-12年级的国际学生提供寄宿家庭项目. 作为申请过程的一部分,每位候选人都要完成一份调查问卷. 然后,我们的招生委员会在将他或她与经批准的FCS寄宿家庭配对时,会考虑学生的偏好. 另外,国际学生也可以与父母同住,不需要额外的手续. 

寄宿家庭不适合K-5年级的国际学生, who are required to live with at least one parent. 

Learn more about the FCS program for international students.

For most of our international applicants, FCS安排在线电话(通常是Skype或FaceTime)进行招生面试. If you do happen to plan to be in the Bay Area, please contact the Admissions Office 这样我们就可以安排一次面对面的面试,安排一次校园参观.

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